Monday, February 24, 2014

Why I Don't Like Tattoo Artists.

About a year ago I was down at my favorite shop in Manhattan getting work done on my sleeve and got talking to another artist at the shop. He told me he didn't like tattoo artist and avoided them as much as possible and that most of his friends were not in the field.

At the time I thought this was insane. Why wouldn't you want as many friends as possible in your
field? Makes networking a lot easier and if you ever are in a bind and in need of a job, it's good to know people. The tattoo world is all about word of mouth.

I never forgot that statement until the other day when I was at a party chatting up with new people who were naturally interested in what I do for a living.  That's when a big bear of a man chimed in that he too, did tattoos.

My instant reaction in my head.... "Of fucking course your do."

I had to pause and think about why I would react that way.

Then I realized... I don't like tattoo artists either... here's why...

1) Everything is a pissing contest.
As soon as they run into you they want to see your work and know where you work and your experience. This dude actually made his girlfriend expose all her tattoos right there at the party to prove he's good. (He's not)

2)Drama, Drama, Drama...
I can't tell you how many shops close because the artist owning it pissed away all his money on drugs
and drinking. That goes for artists who get fired and hop from shop to shop for the same reasons. Then you got the dirt bags that steal their fellow employee's clients and supplies.  Cut throat industry or not, there is a level of ethics that one should consider.

3) If you're not as good them... you're a scratcher... If you're better than them... you're a scratcher.
If you are better than them, they're jealous therefore will pick you apart and judge your background, your technique, your place of business, what you did Saturday night, anything just to make themselves feel better. If you are still learning, still developing, and are new, they're judge you and say that you are crap and have no business in the industry as if they were just born with a machine in their hand and the industry is some super secret society you need a password for.. the password is "Get Over Yourself."

4) EGO.
When I walked into a local convention as while back, the cloud of ego smacked me in the face like a heat wave. Everyone thinks they're a rock star, all the other shops but theirs are crap. They walk around like what they do makes them so much better than anyone else and act annoyed and put out when a customer with money actually comes in asking for their business. I can't tell you how many customers I've taken from other artist's simply because I don't act like them asking for my business is putting me out. Bro, you draw and color for a living. It's the best job in the world. It's not that
serious. Relax. Smile. Have a Snickers...

Now I would like to say, this does not go for EVERY tattoo artist. I have several tattoo artist friends that are wonderful people. They love what they do, will give you constructive criticism and advice, treat their clients with kindness (as long as you don't dick them around) and are reliable. I salute them and say, keep doing what you're doing, we need more like you!

For the rest of them...

If you tattoo out of a kitchen... you don't get to say shit or judge anyone.

The rest of you... seriously.. chill. Just... CHILL.

Love my job, Love my Life.


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