Saturday, February 8, 2014

Female Tattoo Artist Vs. Stereotype Vs. Valentines Day. FIGHT!

"You're such a cool chic but..."

"You're like one of the guys"

Yeah... awesome.

There is no question that female tattoo artists are badass. We tend to typically just be better than the general female population and we do it with style. I mean, come on....

We get to sleep in while the rest of the world is shuffling like zombies to their 9-5 soul killing jobs. (Shops tend to not open until 11 or 12)

While you deal with the public and people and grit your teeth and bare it with a fake smile... we get to make those fuckers bleed... for hours.

You deal with paper work... we draw on paper.

You wait around for 2 weeks for a paycheck. We make cash money every day, sometimes more than your check.



In a male dominated industry females are finally starting to break out and become a regularly seen and accept occurrence. My shop currently is all female. WINNING.

We are finally being accepted as actual artists and respected and being published in magazines and made judges for contests, and I could not be prouder of my fellow vaginas. Get'm. We're not just tattoo models anymore.

This also creates the "friend zone" problem. By becoming a tattoo artist I've fallen more into the

 "Oh you're a cool chic, you're like one the guys"

"Oh you seem wild "

And the assumption that I don't like anything a normal girl would. That I'm just this wild, rebel, anarchists in a black bra.

Ok.. so.. they're sort of right. BUT...

I like flowers. Not tattooing them on you, actually receiving them. I get all sorts of stupid and excited about that shit.

I love Sex and the City and all those idiotic unrealistic romantic comedies. LOVE THEM.

Wild? I spend most of nights snuggled on my couch, reading young adult novels on my Kindle while drinking sleepy tea.

I cry. A lot. Over a book, meaningful song, moving TV commercial.. whatever. I cry.

I fall in love. A lot. I love being in love.

and are you ready for the real kicker?


I do! I like the heart shaped donuts at Dunkin Donuts. I like the chocolate and flowers. February is a
dark and gloomy and depressing month. It's cold, it's gray, and snowing, mostly dirty snow. So pardon me if walking into a place and it's glowing pink and red isn't a bit of a nice change!

What I don't like is feeling like the fat kid picked last for dodge ball. I have pulled off being single for every Valentine's Day for 28 years. While everyone is dancing around with flowers and plans with little hearts floating around their heads, I'm home eating chocolate with my cat.

It's like I'm the only girl at the cool table without Lisa Frank Stationary.

So all I'm saying is, don't be quick to assume anything about your female tattoo artists. We'll easily kick your ass while not smudging out mascara or breaking a nail.

Oh.. and get your chic some flowers. Yes they die, oh well, don't get them for yourself then.

Forget me not,


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