Friday, July 19, 2013

Whoa... can't you like... do it for $30? No.

 Stoned out surfer kid walks in. (You really can't surf in Florida but whatever, A for effort) Nice enough kid, he asks

"Um.. what's your like, shop minimum?"
I smile politely and respond, "$50"

You would have thought I'd told him the price was his first born, his grandmother's ashes, and a Pepsi.

"Whaaaaa!? Are you serious?" he responds. "Dude, this guy I know will do it for like $30. Can't you do it for that?"

Now I know New York prices and Florida prices differ in many areas. You wouldn't believe how wasted I got my first night in Florida when I stumbled on $3 margaritas. However, this is still a place of business.

Tattoos are a product that stays with you forever. These kids will drop $500 on an IPhone that they'll break in a year or two but not want to spend $60 for something permanent.... I don't get it. I just don't get it...

As you can imagine, he ran off to get tattooed by his "guy". Now there are some ok times that a really cheap tattoo is acceptable...

*If a respectable shop is doing a special to raise money for a cause or to help their apprentice learn while they monitor it.

*Or if you are friends with a respectable artist and he cuts you a break. That's about it.

If you go searching for that "guy" that does uber cheap tattoos... just question if you enjoy looking like a carney that always smells like chicken grease.

Stay Classy Fort Myers ;-)

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