Thursday, July 18, 2013

Welcome to Paradise

It's a rainy day here on Fort Myers Beach, Florida...
...Rain means all the tourists will be hoarded in the their hotels watching HBO or going to the Outlets...

.... Rain means locals will have no interest in driving over the bridge to the beach...

... Rain means I have a LOT of down time.

My name is Casey and I'm a female tattoo artist here on Fort Myers Beach. I'm just starting out in this not-so-friendly body art industry.

I was born and raise in Albany, NY and after much frustration and stand stills in life decided to grab my cat, pack my shit, and move to sunny Fort Myers, Florida. Now I'm here, new location, new British boyfriend, new job and I'm ready to share my little adventure. Oh did I mention I'm also like every other American female struggling with their weight?

 So yes I am a fitness enthusiast, girly movie watching, mint chocolate chip ice cream addicted,  sarcastic, female tattoo artist...Did I mention I went to a tattoo school? Yeah they love that in this industry... get ready for a bumpy ride!


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