Well hello, hello, hello...
So its about 10pm at night here so most of you reading this are just getting out of work. Confused yet? But Casey, how is it 10pm in Florida? It should only be 5pm. You are so right. And points for knowing your own time zone!
I have been MIA on my blog for over a month now. I apologize, but rest assure, I am back.
In the past month I looked at the beautiful paradise beach world of Fort Myers, Florida, and being the un-adjusted person that I am said, "yeah, I'm done with this".
How many people who got the chance to work right on the beach, drawing on people, in a tropical climate would, say... "meh"? Me. That's who.
Florida was beautiful. It is also God's waiting room.... and I'm not dead yet!
British boyfriend's visa was up and it was put up or shut up time. So I bid fair well to the ocean
breeze and after a brief pit stop in New York to see friends and family I have been shipped to merry ole' England for what the "plan" is.. a month. But we all know how plans work with me so all I can say is, stay tuned.
But Casey, you have no money, no steady career, shouldn't you be working on that right now instead of going on these little adventures?
Maybe you're right, but let me bring in some evidence to plead my case...

2) Stephan Braden: college boyfriend, died of an overdose at 19
3)Lisa Brandon : My mommy, died before she was 50 after battling depression for years
4)Brenda Mae : 2nd mommy, best friend's mom, past in her 50's of Cancer
And most recently my Grandmother who was just fine and then within 3 days got sick and died out of the blue and believe me, she wasn't ready.
My point? Life is a privilege, not a right. I don't want to look back on my death bed and be sad I didn't see the world and lived my life because I working a shit jobs. Shit jobs will always be there, opportunities only knock once, or so they say. So I'm off, and I will be taking my readers with me.
Where will I end up? Guess we'll find out together. I know this much... I'm NOT DEAD YET!!!
New Hair Color, New Country
LOVE!!!! <3 Please keep posting so I can continue to not only vicariously experience your excitement and adventures, but also continue to be so excited for you! ;) xoxo p.s. pic of this new hair color you speak of, por favor