Monday, November 4, 2013

But how are going to feel looking like that when your older?

Your Welcome Ladies...

Home of London, The Clash, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Jude Law, Jack the Ripper,
Charles Dickens, Crumpets with Nutella, Soccer Hooligans, Elton John, and David (so hot it hurts to look at him directly) Beckham.

Progressive in it's own right.

 Long live the Queen.


One thing is universal is a small town. Whether it's Catskill, New York, Stratford, New Hampshire, or
in this case... Shelly, UK.  They all have their charms, bars where everyone knows your name, small unique stores, old man that goes on a walk at the time every morning, and those darling people that still live under a rock.  Oh they mean well and are good hearted but their thoughts are... simple.  I came across one example the other day when Tom needed a hair cut and we went to the local barber.

The women was in her 50's with a modern hair cut and friendly and chatty enough. Then she found we were both tattoo artists and were both covered in ink. She stopped in mid-snip and just looked at us both through the refection in the mirror and asked the question I've been asked and warned my entire life, as most tattooed enthusiast have....

  "What are you going to look like when your older!? Don't you think you'll regret all those tattoos?"

A point well made.... However...

When I'm "Older" lets say 70's. I'm going to have a lot more going on.

 I'm going to have no knees left from years of running on worn out shoes.

I'm going to have about 3 extra asses from having no metabolism but still an addiction to cake.

My boobs are going to be in my pockets.

Most likely going to be bald from decades of bleaching and dying my hair.

Bad back from basically everything I've ever done in my life.

My face will most likely resemble a shar pei from so much exposure to sun from beaches and lifeguarding

Not to mention the usual kinks and issues that come from being old and to stubborn to die.

What I'm saying is, old fadesded tattoos will be the least of my worries. I'll just be happy I woke up alive that day. Not to mention what better way to be reminded of good times and memories than an image permanently on your skin forever? 

I'm covered in good tattoos in memory of lost loved ones, tattoos done by good friends, and a horrible one done by a rockstar. I have sleeve done by a bold British man in Manhattan and a leg piece done by a wonderful Canadian. Some people have scrap books or photo albums. I do too, it's just on my body and least likely to get ruined or lost over the years and believe me... I misplace shit.

So how will I look when I'm older? Fabulous. Tell me how beautiful you'll look in 60 years?

Live for Now. Have good stories!
